James D'Addio


Posts Tagged ‘New York City

From the Archive: New York City Series

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When the directors of (SMPS NY), Society of Marketing Professional Services NY asked me to meet with them and the creative team @ Pentagram Design, I knew I was in for a welcomed challenge, which was confirmed when they discussed their needs and restrictions. The exciting part for me with this assignment was that there were few restrictions other than that the images should command an emotional impact using architecture and urban environments, but without making a statement about specific genres of architectural design. Rather, they wanted the images to illustrate the energy of meeting, socializing, and connecting to the fabric of Manhattan.

Living in Manhattan for 20 years and photographing architecture gave me an intimate knowledge of the places I might begin to work. The areas I found most successful shooting in were Grand Central Station, which in January unfortunately only gets a small patch of natural light (that I made the most of), as well as the Roosevelt Tram, where you can catch great early morning (though chilly) winter light. Some areas in SOHO, where the wet cobblestone streets and taxis made for some exciting night energy, were good too.

Architectural and Interior photography is very regimented so when someone blesses you with some freedom on an assignment it really allows a photographer to stretch his wings a bit, especially when urban landscapes are his passion. The images were wonderfully used in varied graphic situations to illustrate urban energy, and fit well within SMPS’s visual identity.

Written by jamesdaddio

January 5, 2013 at 4:43 pm